Thursday, April 10, 2014

McAfee Knob

The second day of the Valley Adventure Girls epic weekend involved hiking to the iconic overlook of McAfee Knob.  This is one of the most photographed spots on the Appalachian Trail and rightfully deserved. 

Since we had hike the 10 miles of Mount Rogers the day prior, we were moving pretty slowly as we set out this morning.  This is a very popular trail and we saw lots of college-aged groups on this trail.  Since we knew we were moving at a slower pace, we always stopped and let them pass.  One of the interesting things about this hike is that it is the exact opposite of the hike we completed the day before.  Mount Rogers is scenic the entire way until you reach the summit which is then just a large rock in a thick stand of trees.  McAfee Knob is an average walk in the woods until you reach the overlook at which point you are wowed by the view.

Starting out from the parking area off Rte 311, we ascended, descended, and then ascended again.  We passed lots of rhododendron and I expect that this walk in the woods is probably a lot prettier about a month later than we did it.  We did spot some signs of spring in the form of early flowers.

This part of the AT has several footbridges built as part of an Eagle Scout project which makes traversing some large rocks a little easier along the trail.

Just a little further down the trail, you come upon one of two shelters and privies built for hikers of the AT.  They are both nicely situated.

The trail is approximately 3.8 miles until you reach the sign for the overlook.

From this point on, you will ooh and aah at the views unfolding before you.  You first come upon "the ledge" and wait your turn to have your picture taken there.

As you continue on around the rocky ledge, many views and valleys are there to behold including a nice view of the Roanoke Airport.

We enjoyed a nice lunch on the rocks and took lots of pictures before slowly heading back to our car. 

This trail is rated number 7 on the Top 20 list.  While the trail itself is not spectacular, the views at the summit certainly are and I think this hike should be ranked higher on the list.  For more information about this hike, you can visit here.

1 comment:

  1. Just an FYI - between November and now, McAfee had enough visits to climb from #7 to #3 on the list! So, I guess you're not the only folks who thought it deserved a visit. :-)
